Chișinău Moldova
IOAN EREMEEV – Personal Testimony
My name is Ion Eremeev. I am from Causeni and I would like to share with you the way God changed my life. I grew up in an Orthodox family where the Bible was not studied. We were attending The Orthodox church on special occasions only and because it was a good tradition our family had. I did not know God’s wonderful plan and His purpose. The most important things for me then were a good social position, a prestigious job, and a wealthy home. My dream was to study the Law. In 1993 I became a student of a very prestigious University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, în Iași, Romania. Some changes occurred in my life : a new home, new teachers, new colleagues, but the most important was still to come.
The change that has re-directed the rest of my life had happened in my first years of University. Once after midday , somebody knocked at my dorm door. As I opened the door , a man with a friendly smile introduced himself as Daniel from Alege Viața. He was holding a booklet and asked me if I have ever heard about “ The Four Spiritual Laws” and if I could give him 15-20 minutes to present that useful material to me. As I heard the word “Law”, I gladly accepted his offer. I then found out about Cod’s love, the sin of man and Salvation trough faith in Jesus Christ. When he reached the prayer written at page 11, Daniel asked me if my heart expresses the same attitude as in the prayer. I said yes. For the first time in my life I had thanked God with faith for loving me so much that he gave His only Son for everyone that believes in Him. I received Jesus Christ in my heart as my Lord and Savior.
After praying, Daniel assured me that God had come into my life and He had forgiven all my sins as He promised in His Word. That night he invited me to the Christian student meeting in Iasi. Accepting the invitation, I met many other students from other faculties that were interested to know God. Together we prayed to God, studied the Bible and sang songs for His glory. There I found answers to the most important questions like: How to live your life from an eternal perspective?”, How to develop a healthy relationship with God? Etc. By graduation time I was taking the initiative to share the Gospel with other students, showing the Jesus Film and introducing them to the “Four Spiritual Laws”. After graduation I returned to Moldova and started to attend the Light of the Gospel baptist church. In 1999, I publicly testified my faith through the water of baptism. Meanwhile , I started to preach the Gospel in our church and in other mission villages. I continued my studies at the Emanuel Bible College. Since 2003, I became a missionary with New Life Moldova. Today I and my wife Vio help fulfilling the great commission following the command of our Lord Jesus to make disciples of all nations teaching them to obey His commandments.
information about ministry
LeaderImpact is a volunteer-led movement of leaders dedicated to having a lasting impact. Together they challenge all leaders to accomplish more through developing their personal, professional, and spiritual lives. Through groups, mentoring, coaching, events, excursions, breakfasts, conferences, retreats and communication our network is growing and making an impact in cities, nations, and the world.
LeaderImpact Moldova is a thriving ministry with a big vision. Implied in the dream of Moldova being a place where people want to stay,” is the goal of developing a ministry that inspires influential leaders from every corner of the country to live lives of integrity and faith rooted in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
This is your career and regardless of what stage you are in, you can be focused on making an impact. The better professional you are and the higher the position you attain, the bigger the platform or opportunity for great impact. This is why it’s critical to always be learning and honing your skills and knowledge through the best thought leaders in a peer environment.
This is who you are. It starts with knowing yourself and how you behave, think and take care of your well-being. It then moves to the relationships you have with others – from colleagues to friends to family and beyond. Where and how you grew up has shaped your life and the health of your emotions, relationships, and yourself affects your potential for impact.
This is what you believe. The values, morals and beliefs that underpin your decision making have a tremendous influence on your professional and personal life outcomes. This area drives and determines your motives and definitions for success and ultimately for impact you can have. LeaderImpact operates from a Christian worldview and helps leaders understand the relevance of faith as it relates to their professional and personal lives.
Contact information:
Ion Eremeev
Vio Eremeev