Lwowek Slaski, Poland
information about ministry
The Mission seeks to care for the spiritual and physical needs of the people in the Lwowek Slask region, believing that through this many could come to know that God really cares for them and to have the opportunity to meet Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.
Much of the help from the Mission reaches into the surrounding villages, where many of the people live in poorer physical conditions, as well as many living in spiritual darkness.
God has called the Mission to be involved in the daily needs of the individuals living in the surrounding towns and villages. Some of the ways in which He has led this Mission to help are by:
- Feeding many each day at the Mission, including poorer school children from the local school and families who are in daily need,
- Clothing hundreds of families yearly by channeling donated clothing,
- Helping the handicapped children from the government’s Children’s Home by providing regular ‘Horse-Riding Therapy’.
- Securing equipment for handicapped children and adults,
- Providing Food-packages, coal and wood for selected poorer families,
- Weekly Ministry to the terminally ill, elderly and handicapped shut away in Government Institutions.
- Gift packages for the poorer children in the community and for those in the Children’s Home,
- Providing a Crisis Shelter for the homeless, abused or for those in immediate crisis
- Free English School for the community, followed by Bible studies.
- Libraries for the community – an English Library, and a Polish Christian Library,
- Children’s Ministries, i.e. VBS. & Club, catering for hundreds of children yearly,
- A Christian Coffee Lounge within the local town,
- Organizing transports for donated used hospital equipment for the local hospitals, as well as helping with transports for Children’s Homes.
- An Evangelism Bus (double-decker, with cinema and coffee-lounge) for local evangelism and offered to other churches to aid them with outreach in their community.
- Training local Christians in using hand skills to create funds to provide for their families and also for the Lord’s work.
Contact information: Robert Sołowski
webpage: https://elimcenter.pl/