We invite you to visit our Adult Sunday School classes at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings.

If you are new to our community and looking for a new church home in which you can serve in your giftedness and build Christ-centered relationships for you and your family, the Adult Sunday School classes at Faith Baptist Church are a great way to get started.
The Adult Sunday School ministry of FBC provides adults the opportunity to grow in their knowledge and obedience to the Word of God through the discussion-driven exposition of Scripture.
Adult Sunday School
On Sunday mornings beginning at 9:00 a.m., our Adult Sunday School is organized to achieve our three goals for this ministry: Reaching People, Teaching People, and Ministering to People.
- Explore the Bible – Teacher: Dr. Pablo Oliveira (pabloantonino@gmail.com)
- Into the Word – Teacher: Mack West (m.west3306@gmail.com)

Starting New Adult Sunday School Classes
Those interested in starting a new Adult Sunday School Class must affirm that they have repented of their sin and placed saving faith in Jesus Christ, that they have a call upon their lives from the Spirit of God to a teaching ministry in the church, that they have the spiritual gift of teaching, that they affirm and are in agreement with the five doctrinal statements of Faith Baptist Church, that they are active members of Faith Baptist Church in good standing, and they must be affirmed into this role by the Lead Pastor and Elders.

Bible Reading Plans
For our ongoing sanctification as lifelong students of the Word of God, please take advantage of these Bible reading plans available for download.
- Discipleship Journal – Bible Reading Plan
- Discipleship Journal – Book-at-a-Time Bible Reading Plan
- Discipleship Journal – New Testament Reading Plan
Printed copies are also available in the main foyer at Faith.