Deuteronomy 6 instructs us to impress God’s commands on our children “when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” The Lord asks this of us immediately after inviting us to love Him with all that we are. Of the four situations above, three center on our homes: sitting at home, lying down to rest at night, and getting up in the morning. This teaches us that our love of God and love of people—in short, our faith—should be a central part of all that we do in life, especially at home. While Deuteronomy 6 is talking about parents and their children, even if you don’t have children, the principle of “always and everywhere” rings true, doesn’t it? We all need to be living an authentic 24/7 faith. These Faith @ Home sessions will help you begin to live out family-centered faith in Jesus Christ that will transform you and your children. These are the tools that you have been looking for to redefine the vision and purpose of your home as a place in which the next generation of Jesus’s disciples are created.
Conference Sessions
Session 1 – “Faith Begins at Home”
Session 2 – “The Basics”
Session 3 – “The Parent Makeover”
Session 4 – “The Child Makeover”
Session 5 – “The Extended Family Makeover”
Session 6 – “The Church Makeover”