
Faith Baptist Church is supported solely by the tithes and offerings of our members and ministry supporters. The FBC Finance Manager prepares monthly giving reports and our yearly budget for the annual Budget Affirmation Meeting, all of which is overseen by our Elders to ensure the proper stewardship of our finances.

How you can give to support FBC Ministries

Direct deposit to our
german bank account

Spar- und Kreditbank, Bad Homburg
IBAN: DE 39 5009 2100 0000 118800


You can also contribute to the ministry of FBC in cash. Place your contribution in the envelope located in the seat pocket and drop it in the offering plate that is passed during the service.

Pay Pal

To donate through Pay Pal please use this address:

* Each donation done through PayPal has a transaction fee. For $0 – $10,000, 2.2% + $0.30 per transaction. For $10,000 or more it is 1.9% + $0.30. The fees come out of your donation. For example, of a $1000 donation, the church/ministry will receive $977.70.

We know that living in a foreign country can be complicated at times. if you should have more questions about giving tithes and offerings to Faith Baptist Church, please contact the church financial manager.

Contact / Location

Lichtenbrucherstrasse 17 67661, Kaiserslautern DE


Weekly Services

Sunday 10:30 a.m. Worship Service

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday  09:00 - 3:00 p.m.

*** closed on US Federal holidays ***

Events / Calendar